We are excited to announce the addition of SAM Putt Lab to our teaching armoury.
43% of shots during a round of golf are from putting but until recently there has never been an accurate way of measuring the putting stroke. SAM Putt Lab is the worlds most accurate putting analysis system, measuring over 20 parameters of the putting stroke.
The feedback is easy to view and helps golfers of all abilities improve their stroke.

The user hits 10 putts which are analysed by the SAM Putt Lab. A customised report is then created which breaks down the putting stroke into over 20 parameters but also gives an overall score for the putting stroke.
Once the areas for work are highlighted by the trained Professional the user can then practice on the system, getting direct feedback after each subsequent stroke.

A follow-up test using 10 strokes can be carried out to see if the overall score of the putting stroke has been achieved. When the golfer see's the increase in score their confidence gets an immediate boost.

The worlds best coaches and players have been using the SAM Putt Lab to improve their performance on the greens. Now you can too.
We would recommend booking an initial 1 hour putting lesson to have your stroke analysed and get several areas to practice. A follow-up session 2 to 3 weeks later will allow you to see how big an improvement you have made.
With 43% of shots being with the putter, it makes sense to get this area of your game analysed using the worlds most accurate system.
Book by clicking here